The being who would later be called Apocalypse is born with the mutant X-gene thousands of years ago in Aqaba. Because of his grey skin and blue lips, his people abandon him as an infant. He is rescued by Baal of the Sandstormers who sees the child's potential power and will to survive. Baal names him En Sabah Nur, which Marvel translates as "The First One". The Sandstormers live by the credo of survival of the fittest, believing that only those who are strong enough to survive hardship and direct conflict are worthy of life. It is also revealed during the Apocalypse Wars that, as a young boy, En Sabah Nur is very generous and selfless, to the chagrin of Baal. A time-displaced Evan Sabah Nur and All-New X-Men Beast try to save En Sabah Nur, but he allows himself to be captured to help them escape.
Around this time, the time-traveller Kang the Conqueror arrives in Egypt and assumes the identity of Pharaoh Rama-Tut. Knowing who En Sabah Nur is fated to become and where he is, Rama-Tut sends his General Ozymandias and an army to destroy the Sandstormers and find the young Apocalypse. En Sabah Nur and Baal are injured and seek refuge in a cave. Before he dies, Baal reveals advanced alien technology hidden in the cave, left behind by the deity-like aliens known as Celestials. Vowing revenge on Rama-Tut, En Sabah Nur enters the Pharaoh's city posing as a slave and draws the romantic attention of Ozymandias's sister, Nephri. On seeing the mutant's true appearance, Nephri rejects him and turns to her brother for protection. The heartbroken En Sabah Nur's rage causes his mutant abilities to fully emerge. Rampaging, he renames himself Apocalypse. Rama-Tut flees and En Sabah Nur uses the Celestial technology to transform his former tormentor Ozymandias into a blind clairvoyant made of living stone, now enslaved to Apocalypse. As the years pass, Apocalypse finds he no longer aged. Around this time he founded the Coven Akkaba, an order of human sorcerers, in order to explore the field of magic. The human mages believed that their magic would make them equal to mutants in Apocalypse's eyes. They were wrong and when they realized their patron considered them disposable as non-mutants, however, Akkaba broke from Apocalypse and nursed a centuries-long grudge.(Via Wikipedia)