

Uncle Ruckus (born July 4, 1939) is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the American animated sitcom The Boondocks. Voiced by Gary Anthony Williams, he first appeared on television in the show's pilot episode on November 6, 2005. Created and designed by cartoonist Aaron McGruder, Ruckus gained substantial popularity after appearing in the 1996 comic strip of the same name.[1] Ruckus had a turbulent childhood being raised by his abusive father, Mr. Ruckus, whose abuse is the reason Ruckus has a mismatched glass eye. His mother, Bunny Ruckus had an identity crisis which often led her to criticize fellow African-American people and have a high opinion of white Americans. After being kicked out of his home as a teenager, he traveled to Woodcrest where he worked 47 odd jobs. He embodies many old American working-class stereotypes, as he is crude, short-tempered, obese, clumsy, rule-breaking, and a jack of all trades. One of his most notable traits is his internalized racism; he is an outspoken white supremacist and even claims to be an Irish-American who suffers from "reverse vitiligoā€¯. In spite of this, Ruckus maintains a close relationship with Robert Freeman and yearns for social acceptance. Despite the blue-collar routine of his life, he has had a number of remarkable experiences, including work as a recording artist.


Ruckus worships white society and culture, which explains why he lives in Woodcrest. Ruckus claims to like the smell of white people, which he likens to "lemon juice and Pledge". Despite Woodcrest's newfound acceptance of different ethnicities, the neighborhood apparently does not find Uncle Ruckus' racist beliefs problematic. Ruckus can be seen employed in a variety of places performing a number of blue-collar jobs. However, not all members of that community agree with his racist outbursts. Rather, they tend to ignore them due to his constant racist profiling. Ruckus has held a wide variety of jobs during the series such as a car parking valet, police officer, maitre d', movie theater usher, and exorcist, as well as working at many of the town's establishments. In the banned episode "The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show", he claims to have 32 jobs over the course of the week, which is why he wakes up at 4:45 a.m. every morning. Despite having worked so many jobs, he continues to live in a dilapidated home and drives a beaten-up truck. At one point, he joined the police force after turning down a seven-figure settlement for being wrongfully shot at 118 times, claiming that the officers "were simply doing their job". Even after he becomes an officer, they still beat him on the pretext that "he has a gun". As an officer, he promises to make every black man's life as miserable as he possibly can.(via Wikipedia)

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